Lux Obscura – 2017

Permanent public artwork – Emery street – latin quarter

Generative video & light installation
Aluminum, powder coat , TFT SCREENS, CC DEL COB LIGHT, Dmx controled
two (2) steles 20m apart   –  H : 3.86m | W : 2.1m | L : 0.65m



” The work is a form of homage to the aesthetics of the film noir, an important cinematic trend of the years 1940-1950, emblematic of an anticipation relationship with the moving image.”


LUX OBSCURA is a generative video & light installation composed of two monumental light-boxes (steles) stationed 20 meters apart in a public space. Each monolith displays an animation, continuously edited in real-time by an electro-mechanical system. The resulting animations are themselves films, with no beginning or end, programmed to produce the perpetual movement of spectral characters in a fugue, reminiscent of a major motif in mid-20th-century film noir. While they are created using digital technology, the guiding principle of the animation stays true to a specific tradition within moving image history. The animations are generated through a composite of four transparent thin-film transistors (TFTs) embedded into the surface of the steles. These TFT films are placed in a mosaic pattern so as to form a monumental-sized, motion-activated screen. A lighting system embedded into the pediment of the work adds dynamism to the images which at the same time creating an interplay of light and shadow on the pavement below.


Collaborators :

Fabrication & advance technical drawings : Custom Métal
Technical integration : Softbox Intégration
Animation & video post-production : Ottoblix
Electrotechnical et programming : Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
Preliminary Design : Jakob Lorenz et Olixfab
Window glass : Vitrerie Armand
Engineering / structure : Concept Paradesign
Engineering / electrical : JFL service technique
Engineering / heat and ventilation : Novamech
General contractor : Côté Jardin
Auteure : Nathalie Bachand


L’idée du Nord ( the idea of north ) – 2022 | Utopie ( Utopia )- 2020 | Le spectre des lumières ( The Spectrum of Enlightenment ) – 2019 | Lux Obscura – 2017 | LOOP – 2016 | Les chargeurs de potentiel ( Potential Chargers )- 2016 | Le Grand Bleu du Nord ( the great northern blue ) – 2015 | Organicus – 2011 | Life Saver – 2014 | Sérénade – 2012 | Être bien encadré ( Well framed ) – 2013 | Longueur d’onde ( Wavelength ) – 2011 | Mouvement de masse ( Mass Movement ) – 2010 | Faire la vague ( Do The Wave ) – 2009 |